Huwebes, Hunyo 23, 2011

School Starts: Some Decorations in my Classroom

One of my favorite part of my job is decorating my classroom. It is where I could practice my artistry and think of ideas to make my classroom attractive to the eyes of my pupils. I want my pupils and myself to be inspired in working whenever we are inside the class.

These are some decorations that I made so far... I got some ideas from the internet and added some personal touches.

*The Welcome Note: 



*Subject Charts and Posters: 

I use felt paper in the borders. When coloring the posters, i use oil pastel, and crayons.

*Special Delivery: 
It is were I pin the notes, letters, and memos for the day. Other important announcements can also be placed here.

*We Have Class Harmony!

A design that teaches the pupils good values and at the same time, lets them practice in reading.

*Class Officers and Birthday Corner: 

This drawing was made in year 2008 and is being used until now. Pictures of pupils with the date of their birthdays are placed on the stars.

*Other designs: 

And there you saw some of the decorations in my classroom. I Hope you like it! Please do tell me what you think.

'Till next time! ^_^

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